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Hello and Welcome to my Website.  This is to give you some details about me and why I do what I do.

Where did the nickname come from?

Well it came from two different things.  One I am a Star Trek TNG fan and if you wonder what TNG means it means you arent one :).  I used to run a Star Trek based BBS (Bulletin Board System) where I was The Captain.  Also was my Karaoke name when I would go sing.  NH well thats easy, I live in New Hampshire in the US North East.

What games do you stream/play?

One game I play but I dont stream is World of Warcraft.  I am on the Blades Edge Alliance Server.

I play Fortnite but I am not a fan of it.  Its the 'building' factor i hate.

Games I play and stream is PubG (Playerunknowns Battleground), Ring of Elysium (ROE), Realm Royale 

Why do you Stream?

Not really sure.  I saw others do it so decided to give it a shot and I like doing it.


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Who is TheNHCaptain?

My Name is Jon Mooney and I live in Manchester NH in the United States.  I am 47 years old and enjoy gaming and streaming.  Want to know more?  Ask


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